Dream Meanings for Vampires

A student was kind enough to let me use her dream for this dream meanings for vampires’ blog. Her dreams are recurring and hopefully will stop now that I interpreted them for her. However, she needs to do the follow-up work to prevent these dreams from returning.

The Dream Meanings for Vampires

We were both in agreement about our dislike for vampires. This helped to determine her dreams were not environment dreams, since she didn’t read or watch anything to do with vampires. If she was watching movies or reading books about a vampire or two, it could steep in her nighttime dreams.

Her dreams were also recurring and were about:

Vampires were chasing her. She was terrified they would catch up to her.

When we have dreams of being chased, it can mean we don’t want to deal with something or someone. Although the meaning changes if they intend us harm. Learn more about chasing dreams here.

Student’s Last Dream

The latest one she had was:

The vampires caught up to me. I was afraid they were going to bite my neck. So I told them, “Just kill me because I don’t want to be like you.” Before they could kill me, I woke up.

Dream Meanings for Vampires

Here are three interpretations for her dream:

  1. There are draining people who are sucking the life out of her.
  2. People are trying to change her into their beliefs or society’s way of thinking.
  3. She is surrounded by unsafe people.

Everyone has been around people who have drained them, were unsafe, or tried to change them. It’s a part of life to teach us to become who we are.

The Positive of Her Dream

My student standing up for herself is a HUGE achievement! The fact she would rather die than become one of them is showing how she’s becoming herself! Her homework is to focus on who she is, not what others want her to be.

Final Thoughts on Dream Meanings for Vampires

Her last dream is a great example of how our nighttime dreams are messages for our personal and spiritual growth. Then we take our nighttime wisdom and apply it to our personal/spiritual growth. May you take my student’s dream’s wise message to always be you!

If you need a dream interpreted, please check out my services. My latest book, Dream Interpretation for the Mystical Soul, will also help you learn dream interpretation.

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