Free Gift

What I learned from doing conventional newsletters is some subscribers grab the free gifts, then unsubscribe. While others rarely open my newsletter. It’s time consuming to track and remove these people. Therefore, I’m going to do something unconventional.

If you just want the gifts and aren’t interested in hearing from me again, scroll down and take them. I hope it helps you on your journey.

Monthly Connections

For those of you who want to stay in contact, I have a once a month newsletter in an article format. It’s called Ponderings from Pamela on Substack.

Attitude of Cattitude

Do you like cats? Then check out my Attitude of Cattitude blog with antics from my five cats. Paid subscribers will receive weekly Purr Forecasts.


Would you prefer to receive my twice a month blogs from this website? Then please visit my blog page to follow it. On your phone or tablet, you can find the follow button at the bottom of the posts. The follow button is on the sidebar with a laptop and desktop view.

Gifts for You

These gifts will assist you in empowering yourself and for establishing your dream analysis foundation. Enjoy!

Empowerment Guide Book

Six transforming topics with pointers to assist you in speeding up your personal and spiritual growth, while improving relationships with others!

How to Remember Your Dreams

Do you have trouble recalling your dreams? If you do, you’re not alone, and that is why this gift is perfect for you. The guidebook has tools to help you remember your dreams and explains seven different types of dreams.


This eight-minute audio meditation in a MP3 format will help you relax and visualize remembering your dreams. Before you know it, you will be recording your dreams and be ready to discover their meanings! Click on the 3 dots to download the meditation.

How to Remember Your Dreams